|ITALIAN LIGHTING| – iGuzzini, light that moves time – For Milano Design Week 2024, iGuzzini ...

|ITALIAN LIGHTING| – iGuzzini, light that moves time – For Milano Design Week 2024, iGuzzini has staged – through the site-specific installation LIGHT THAT MOVES TIME by Alfonso Femia/ AF*Design – the in fieri project, in which the powerful narrative capacity of light coordinates and superimposes different temporalities. A journey in which visitors get lost between worlds in which the past, science fiction, the dream dimension and design pragmatism combine and communicate to create new hybrids. In the courtyard of the iGuzzini space in Milan, housed in an early 19th-century building designed by Piermarini, stands ‘The Primitive Hut’. This archaic truncated cone structure that recalls the archetypal shape of early human shelters is emphasised by a central opening, the óculo, which captures light and diffuses its effects. _____ – iGuzzini, light that moves time – iGuzzini per la Milano Design Week 2024, attraverso l’installazione site specific LIGHT THAT MOVES TIME di Alfonso Femia/ AF*Design, ha messo in scena un progetto in fieri, in cui la potente capacità narrativa della luce coordina e sovrappone temporalità diverse. Un viaggio nel quale il visitatore si perde tra mondi in cui passato, fantascienza, dimensione onirica e pragmaticità del design si ibridano, contaminano e comunicano. Nello spazio iGuzzini a Milano, che ha sede nell’edificio del Piermarini dei primi dell’Ottocento, all’interno della corte si erge una forma arcaica a tronco di cono ‘The Primitive Hut’ che evoca la geometria archetipica del rifugio, valorizzata dall’apertura centrale, l’óculo, che raccoglie la luce e ne diffonde gli effetti. Full article: https://www.staffedit.it/en/iguzzini-light-that-moves-time/ #lightinginstallation #lightingdesign #lightinginnovation #lightthatmoves #iguzzini #milanodesignweek #italianlighting #staffeditoriale

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